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Susan's Blog

The Power of Words

July 6, 2021

Have you ever stopped to consider the power that words hold?  We call the placement of letters “spelling” but we also “cast a spell” when we use words to set an intention for a desired outcome.  Words are magic!  But like with magic, it can empower and manifest, or it can harm and destroy. What…

Taking Your Finger Off the “Trigger”

July 1, 2021

We all have different backgrounds and experiences, so of course, no two people will think and feel the same about a given situation.  We truly DO create our own realities, and these come from our belief systems that have become our learned behaviors.  When a person reacts to another person or a situation, it is…

Silver and Gold

March 16, 2021

One of my students was recently doing a practice reading on me and she said, “For some reason Susan, I keep hearing that old song we sang in Girl Scouts that goes like, ‘Make new friends, but keep the old, one is silver and the other is gold.”  I started to laugh, because it really…

Living a Purpose Driven Life

February 23, 2021

It is difficult to lead a purpose driven life when we don’t take the time to get to know ourselves.  Most people simply find themselves on the eat, work, sleep, repeat cycle, and only have brief moments of inner clarity; most often lacking true happiness, peace and contentment.  When we take time to look within,…

Action Talks, B***** Walks!

February 4, 2021

As a wise old male friend of mine used to say, “action talks, bullshit walks,” and I think we can all agree, actions speak louder than words!   Eliza Doolittle states in the play My Fair Lady, the timeless Pygmalion tale of a man desperately trying to create his vision of the perfect woman,  Words!…

Can We Have Boundaries Without Self Love?

January 30, 2021

For those of us who live our lives in service to others, it is extremely important that we understand the role that boundaries play.   As a veteran teacher, I recall mentoring a student teacher one year.  She told me the first day of school that she wanted the kids to call her by her…

A Personal 2020 Holiday Message from Susan

December 19, 2020

Today I sit in my meditation chair, enjoying the beauty of the Christmas tree, having my morning meeting with the Spirit world.  A dog cuddled into each hip and Merkaba (my magical cat) purring loudly behind me.  This is my favorite time of the day.  It is 4 am, and the world is quiet and still.…

Giving Back

November 30, 2020

I have been teaching for 37 years.  It started by teaching children to swim when I was a teenage lifeguard, and I have taught hundreds more swimming throughout the years.   I was not always a great swimmer however.  My father was a big tease, and thought it was exceptionally funny to pull us under…

People Rise

November 1, 2020

I am sitting watching the sun come up over the serene golf course across the street from my mom’s house where I have been staying for the past month.  I see a deer nibbling on his breakfast in the distance, but what really catches my attention is the jogger running by.  He has one of…

Time is Promised to No One

October 27, 2020

Because of the work I do and its mobility, I have been blessed to be able to spend a few months each year with my 83 year old mother over past few years.  Believe me when I tell you, she wasn’t always this easygoing sweet old woman.  There was a time she could lose her…

One on One Readings with Susan Schueler

About the Author

Susan Schueler

Susan is a hardworking modern mystic who loves all things metaphysical.  As an intuitive counselor, teacher and “speaker for the dead,” she loves helping others to heal and realize their potential as spiritual beings.

Living at the beach in Santa Monica, California with her loyal dogs Becky and Buddy and her magical cat Merkaba, Susan believes life is good.  She is grateful for her amazing family, and loving friends scattered around the globe.